Hey, Shreenath here! I see that you have wandered to the ‘About the Author’ page of my very special blog – ‘Slow Life in the Fast Lane’. A little bit about me first, I am a guy in my mid-twenties who has faced life in all extremes. I identify myself as an ambivert who has a very different perspective to life and an approach which aligns to the very perspective. I feel that what our society really lacks today is happiness. People have forgotten what happiness really means. Every day on the streets I see faces that project struggle, eyes that reflect pain. And that’s exactly what drives me to start this blog.

Slow Life in the Fast Lane is a project very close to my heart. I feel we all are too result-oriented and we have forgotten the importance of the process. Everyone is so determined to reach their desired destination that nobody wants to enjoy the journey. The journey called LIFE! And that’s exactly what I mean by living a ‘SLOW LIFE’ in the ‘FAST LANE’. People are so determined to living life in the fast lane that they have left behind the true essence of life.

To quote Aerosmith, “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” I have always believed in this and hence this blog is going to be a reflection of my travel experiences, my social experiences and my cultural experiences.

I hope, with the help of this blog, to impact lives and the quality of living in a socio-cultural way. To create an environment where it is okay to talk about issues and a society that looks forward to sharing happiness.